>Our Field Experience

Turning Milk Waste Into Grass Production

Dredging of two waste milk solids dams and beneficial reuse.

Case Study By

Dean Hurlstone


Dredging of two waste milk solids dams and beneficial reuse spreading of the solids on nearby dairy farms to act as fertilizer for increased grass production in a period of drought.

Initial quantity survey of waste dams to establish volumes in conjunction with the client. Total of 30,00 cubic metres of material removed. This equated to 1,700 dry tons of waste. Extraction and spreading utilized:

 4.5-ton dredge,

300 metres of floating pipeline,

Two Gravity Drainage decks and a polymer dosing unit.

Multiple 40,000 L storage tanks,

Three semi-tanker trucks,

Two tractors with liquid tanker spreaders. 1,750 total tanker loads spread.

7 experienced staff

Farmland sampling and assessment for application in accordance with state legislation and guidelines. Seven individual blocks of land across three separate dairy farms.

The project was completed safely on time and budget over the winter months of 2019. The challenges were the obstacles within the dams, the long runs of floating pipeline required, maintaining continued farm access throughout winter.

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