>Our Field Experience

Biosolid Removal & Beneficial Reuse.

Servicing both operational wastewater treatment plants and removing historical stockpiles of material.

Case Study By

Dean Hurlstone


Servicing both operational wastewater treatment plants and removing historical stockpiles of material. The contract also involves periodic settlement pond dredging and dewatering of biosolids from seven separate treatment plants.

A total of nine sites to be serviced with the biosolids being beneficially reused on two farms in the region. The contract is ongoing with Impact Carbon catering to the changing requirements of the client.


1 semi-trailer Hooklift trailer

2 semi tipper trucks

1 excavator

1 dredge and mobile centrifuge

Biosolid spreading equipment including a tractor and solids spreader.

In house environmental science and agronomy expertise.

Settlement pond survey equipment.

Impact Carbon has set up an office and staff accommodation in Gladstone to service this contract.

Other Capabilies